rainbowrichesmegaways| The "Four Great Families" Criminal Group in Kokang in northern Myanmar has been devastated! The Ministry of Public Security reported: Bai Suocheng, Bai Yingcang and others were all arrested

2024-05-27 0 Comments

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Public Security introduced at a press conference held on the 27thrainbowrichesmegawaysIn the past five years, public security organs across the country have cracked a total of 194 criminal cases of telecommunications network fraudrainbowrichesmegaways.50,000 cases, the number of cases filed in a single month across the country has dropped for eight consecutive months year-on-year, and the amount of losses deceived has dropped by nearly 30%. The rising trend of telecommunications network fraud crimes has been effectively curbed. Especially since July 2023, the special work to crack down on crimes involving us in northern Myanmar has achieved significant results. 49,000 suspects of electric fraud have been handed over to us. The notorious "Four Families" criminal group in northern Myanmar has been devastated. Strike, Bai Suocheng, Bai Yingcang, Ming Zhenzhen, Wei Huairen, Liu Zhengxiang, Liu Zhengmao and other major criminal suspects were all arrested.

Since 2023, the Ministry of Public Security has continued to deploy and carry out special operations such as "Cloud Sword","Broken Card","Cut Off" and "Nail Pulling", organize regional battles and cluster battles, and severely crack down on overseas fraud groups and domestic promotion, diversion, transfer and money laundering in accordance with the law. Criminal gangs involved in fraud such as technology development and organization of smuggling have arrested a total of 82,000 criminal suspects, including 426 backbones of the "gold owners" behind the fraud group.

Relying on the international law enforcement cooperation mechanism, since 2023, the Ministry of Public Security has dispatched multiple working groups to relevant countries in Southeast Asia and destroyed 37 overseas fraud dens, forming a strong deterrent. At the same time, we actively work with relevant departments to promote comprehensive management, consolidate main responsibilities, strengthen industry supervision, and make every effort to squeeze the space for fraud-related crimes.

The public security organs are based on prevention first and make every effort to promote early warning, dissuasion and technical countermeasures. Since 2021, the National Anti-Fraud Center has issued a total of 660 million instructions, and the public security organs have met and dissuaded a total of 18.44 million people. They have worked with relevant departments to intercept 6.99 billion fraudulent calls and 6.84 billion text messages, disposed of 18 million domain names involved in the case, and urgently intercepted 1.1 trillion yuan of funds involved in the case.

rainbowrichesmegaways| The "Four Great Families" Criminal Group in Kokang in northern Myanmar has been devastated! The Ministry of Public Security reported: Bai Suocheng, Bai Yingcang and others were all arrested